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From the Authors Desk

May is here!

A new month has started and we're that much closer to the release of Shielding the Innocent Target. Pre-order your copy today! To celebrate, I have a backlist book and a $10 Barnes and Noble g!ftCard up for grabs. Check out the FRESH FICTION contest. 

A child under his protection…

and a hit man in pursuit.

After witnessing her boss's murder, Paige Walsh must trust Deputy US Marshal Lucas Cavendish to bring her to safety. But when a notorious assassin targets her and her son, Lucas's short-term assignment turns into a dangerous cross-country mission. For Paige to identify her boss's killer, Lucas must get the family into witness protection. Except the hit man knows their every move…and trusting the wrong person could get them killed.

From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.

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